Saturday, June 27, 2009

best day ever!

haha my mom was wrong bout saying im fat..
hah i still can fit the red cheongsam =]
haha today 27/6/09
3 azam didn't win anything..but
we win each other heart and feeling so nice..
the food
haha 3 bowl sharing yong tow foo
acup of mirinda grape
an ice cream (strwbery stipes)
a plate of spagethi
tanx firdaus for the yummy lucious yong taw foo
like it..
buhurp Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

every girl drunk today!

Kapt Dr Faiz Khaleed Pictures, Images and Photos

haha every girl i saw melted finely like an ice when looking at his shiny smile!
gosh he is so sweet!
yah..he can't beat dr sms , the first astronout...but his young look melt every girl...haha
when i first time saw him infront of the meeting room (coz the prefects waited him)
he smiled at my friend and i...i just realize tht he is kin a sweet =)

haha..some form 5 seniors got carzy....they shaked hand with him and screammm
and(again)they crowdly follow him...x}

haha...typical girls like us always like the amazing dr faiz khaleed =]

Sunday, June 14, 2009

my second blog!

Friday, June 12, 2009

do u believein' this?

loving couple Pictures, Images and Photos


having such a boring day!what can i do...this evening Fara, Pia aka peah ,my sis and myself jog around the platinum surau and playing around at the playground...i really miss all the chaos in 3 azam...the sound syaira screaming looking at jun pyo poster..,all the home work task ,becap,canteen food(nasi lemak and mee-hoon cantonese!)and the most of all my friend! i'm just listening to hujan band songs..kind a relaxing...last monday my family(&i)went to port dickson...i just miss the air-cond. coz my home doesn't have one!haha my father object my mother suggestion about having air-cond!but the one who suggest about having air-cond was my dad idea!and now..he is objecting!aiyo~irritating ma~after pmr maybe i want to make this blog as my life journal.i know nobody interested to read it..just for sustified my self~huhu I MISS 3 AZAM~

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Must watch!=]

hyunderella(cinderella):kim hyun jung
stepmother/yoosen:jung min
step sister:young seng
fairy god father...:kim kyun jung
mission:to make an unhappy boy laugh

It's a realive! last..after uncounted days my father pay the internet bill..i can take a deep breath as a second brother blamed me for this ...and i just shut my mouth...he is to much!I try to imagine if i tie him up on a train rail...and a train coming from anywhere...BUMBPED!Dead...! cruel loh!~Do't he know that my father was having a fever and my maid...huh..put the bill anywhere...~I did my history task manually...!Finding information with a stalk of paper I bought from the library...and type all the information....
i also can watch my favourite man of the year .KIM HYUN JUNG!HAPPY BIRTHDAY!ACT AGAIN AND AGAIN AND FIND YOUR LOVE!~ily...haha
