Friday, June 12, 2009


having such a boring day!what can i do...this evening Fara, Pia aka peah ,my sis and myself jog around the platinum surau and playing around at the playground...i really miss all the chaos in 3 azam...the sound syaira screaming looking at jun pyo poster..,all the home work task ,becap,canteen food(nasi lemak and mee-hoon cantonese!)and the most of all my friend! i'm just listening to hujan band songs..kind a relaxing...last monday my family(&i)went to port dickson...i just miss the air-cond. coz my home doesn't have one!haha my father object my mother suggestion about having air-cond!but the one who suggest about having air-cond was my dad idea!and now..he is objecting!aiyo~irritating ma~after pmr maybe i want to make this blog as my life journal.i know nobody interested to read it..just for sustified my self~huhu I MISS 3 AZAM~


大神 ( Ōkami ) said...

Hey , Anis , I found your blog ^^
finnaly .....
anyway , don't take it too hard ....
infact I like reading your blog ^^
awwww.... I miss 3 Azam Too but not as much as I missed .......