Saturday, February 28, 2009

"The sensation of me.."?what to be..huh?

Hello...wassup..olaa greetings fellow friends...=)Aa human being we have different sensation of personalities or something that we have which differ us from anyone.....yes/yeah..we have it and sometimes or always it annoying and particularly melt someone remember us because of our certain I want to talk about human sensation of styles...I would tell you about my friends unique habit or their style that always make me remember about them forever...but to be sincire..I think i;m alittle bit of SENILE!Thats maeb i'm easily forget where i put my socks althought it is in my pocket!

Firstly about my best friend around the whole her voice sound...dont be mad my dear...Her voice sounds like Fasha Sandha..and that's make her different and special..and one more how she dedicate in her study for this year..i'm so jeoleus!(spelling...i dont know)

Secondly about she laugh like someone gasping for air because the air are finishing....haha..and how she knock the table when something funny occur!the table are cracking..and i think Puan Hana should buy a plastic table special for the table knocker!

Syud..for me her walking style make her look like model....her dressing..full of style..and her brain...!uhh..i wish i had it...very practical for science and maths.....perfect girl...and very mature..

noary..the she laugh...voice..and last year the gigling sounds from teeth! she sit..her jeans trousers..just funky!full of stripe and must be BLACK in colour....!thats her Pink aloud or you will be kick out of her area!

Syaira...she is very uique..." are so hansome"ewww...she just love Rain and something crazy....she put rain picture on the calculator and ruler...and she is totaly a PINK girl...i love her havoc voice of ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and she is my karaoke partner last year...and she know how to sing like Bunga...Asyraf wife... partner in the class except in other class...(syud is her twin!)her illegal...strong voice...and love to say"diamla.."to boys make her is like her....she is very strike and we love to giving oppinions...this Monday..we will be fighting...okayh..?

Alia....shes fair.....!panasia face....very cute and shes totaly mine!!(don't be jeoleus)....she is mrs enstein...and can be a very good listener!ily!

Lastly..about Muhamad D'zul Azri Bin Zukarnain...he..nice and very blur...but so understanding ad very caring !.....his the nicest boy ever i met through my life!......
friendship Pictures, Images and Photos

Thursday, February 26, 2009

"i won!" are inviting the best blog writer...Anis Amni Bt Rohime..from 3 AzaM ...give her a big clap....."Thank you...for my English language teacher...,Miss Azita that lead us to write blog...,to comment each others blog...and tank you so much for this prize teacher..hehe..and to my friends ecspecially Azira who taught me how to "steaL"hot photoshots from photobuckets..and i love you...and to my special friend xxxxxxx thank you for giving me inspiration...these days your smile make me MELT!All the best for others in our Pmr big test ever..this year...good luck!i love all of my friends....and teacher....."*smile with proud!*

"ANIS-ANIS-ANIS-ANIS".....*ha?*...."Anis!what are you dreaming!stand up!finish this equations and wash your bubly face now!!!"*opssss....not again!I was sleeping in the class again!It is horrible!*i cnt be the winner...... Aneessa is the won...=)haha...i got this dream...and i think it is already enough...
elf dreams Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

"i'm rushingggggggggggggg!"

hai..i know this kind a informal but i have to write something for this side....*smile*..yes..because i'm lacking of ideas..i think i should talk about my favourite singer..Taylor Swift..poor girl!She has been split up with Joe from the jonas Brothers Band!in only 25 second their break-up..arggggggggggggggh!i hate joe since i knew this!but his cute what!haha!
Taylor Swift Pictures, Images and Photos
er,just listen to the love story and the teardrops on my guitar song!its crazily....gergeous!bubbye....


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This life...........................

brocken red heart Pictures, Images and Photos
its hurting when someone hates you more than else!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

"is that WhAt LiFe MeAnT tO bE"

cute cat Pictures, Images and Photos
'Is ThAt YoUr MeAnIng Of LiFe...?

is a Glimpse of thought...
is what we call a Memory....
is a story of History...
It is What life meant to be.

IS a Gift.....
is to be special...
is the present...
It is what life meant to be..

Is a mystery..
is unpredictable...
is the future...
It is what life meant to Be.

yesterday is history..
tomorroW is a mystery
today is A gift..
That's why It's called the present...

* written by Wong li fong when he was 13 in 2004.......*

their shot..sory forgot to paste just now...

acha septriasa & irwansyah Pictures, Images and Photos

"my favourite lucious song.....!"

Ever you herd about romantically movie in 2006,My Heart....?The themes song of the movie was sang by the heroin and the hero of the story theirselves!The songs was so nice to hear and kind a romantic indeed....thats just what i love to listen!One of their hit song three years ago is myheart and two years ago Ada cinta...I know not everybody like it..but i just love it!how many times do i repeated this love word?*blink*but the sad things is after Acha and Irwansyah split up theres no song of both of them can be heard..just the solo one..."CINTA BERTAHAN" by Acha and "KU TUNGGU JANDAMU" by Irwansyah....*laugh* try to liten of one of the song!you must be crying!huhu~

Chrles new writing idol....

Charles Dickens Pictures, Images and Photos I would like to share with you about my new favourite writer of several famous classical story...CHARLES DICKENS.

Charles Dickens is known for his keen observation,vivid imagination and true-to-life charachters.Most of his stories were inspired by real-life incidents and the writer's own past experiences.Most of his stories centred on the poor and the less fortunate- something he could relate to since he came from a modest background himself.

He was born in 1812 in the city of Landport.His father was a clerk in the the Naval Pay Office. In 1824,after his family had moved to London ,Charles father was imprisoned for debt.Charles was sent to work at Warren's blackening factory,an experience that haunted him for the rest of his life.This dark secret of the work at the work at the factory bacame the inspiration for many for many of his later works.
He attended school school and become an office boy for an attorney until 1829,he became a feelance reporter at Doctor's Common Courts.After that,he moved on to be a newspaper reporter and published his first story in the Monthly Magazine.

His father was imprisoned again for debt and turned to him for help.Charles helped him out and faced his family asking money from him frequently throught his life.In 1836,he married Chaterine Hogarth and work began on many books and plays to come,as Charles started a full-time career as a novelist.A year after they had their first son,the first ofTEN CHILDREN!

In 1824,he visited Canada and United States to talk on international copyright and the abolition af slavery.A year later,he wrote A Christmast Carol,which was an enormous success.Many more plays wore written ,then he started public reading of his work and sadly,seperated from his wife.In 1869,he suffered a midle stroke but went on with his readings.A year later , he suffred another stroke and died at Glad's Hill,London.

Thats all about him thank you so much for spending your time reading this article.........................

Friday, February 6, 2009

our dreams .

Greetings...what are you doing?Today I would like to share with you about my friends and I (SYAFIZA SUHAIMI AND FARAH SYUHADA SHAMSHUL) about our future boarding school next year . It is located at SMK MENENGAH KEBANGSAAN SERI BINTANG SELATAN in CHERAS,KUALA LUMPUR.So to attend this school is not easy,you know we have to be excelent in all subjects and we have to study crazily hard....but it is sad leave SMK Section 7 , Shah Alam from our memory because we have been staying 3 years long .
we have been sad , happy , nervous , being here and many things occur here that i can't easily forget. but , to achieve our dream to continue our study at oversea we have to stay in the bording school for several years . so , i hope to all my friends and teachers wish us luck to sit on this BIG BIG examination this year . and two years more . thats all and thank you for reading . :)


Resume editingour besty memory!
I miss this time you know..Adila had to go last year to Sarawak following her dad.It
was a sad day..just like the funerel one...but theres no coffin nearby came.Ops my sharp
Adila...where can I found someone who are cheerful enough towards me more than you...?yeh a lot but not as same as you....with your way...,voice and acting..

missing her ways and laugh gig!


Free'>">Free Glitter Images

Hello and assalamualaikum all muslim.Today I would like to write about our positive bahaviour instead of the bad and the yuccky one...One of them is the cheerful mood.Try to always to set this mood on your mind and prevent to be moody and feel depress all the day.Just watch funny programmes such RAJA LAWAK!The contestent are very good in cracking jokes and one of them is aMiR.But in my oppinion his decreasing the stairs through this whole week.

Secondly,try to be loyal especially in your friendship or "SOMETHING MORE THAN THAT"
my dearly friends.You know at our stage...fall in love =P.....Just say eyuwwwwith that but you are the best person who already knew ask yourself...How about being a little bit artistics with doing some painting.Just express yourself and althought least you have thrown your stress!It would be just nice as before ,trust me *wink*.OR....if you hate painting and think it increasing your temperature just SCREAMMMMMMMMMMMMM!

Thirdly being generous to everyone including those who you are hating with.Just be patient and try to cover your madness and jerk towards the person.In addition,being generous is easy because smilling all the time is can be consist as generous to and you can get your pahala rewards SMILE=)...FOURTHLY ...being calm and prevent panic situation with early preparations.Just wake up earlier and this step can prevent the aging occur in your body system.

Thats all wassalam!my eyes is so heavy indeed.toodles!


Thursday, February 5, 2009


New Friends

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


helo've been seen my older writing...right...?i know it's kind a boring to read without any maybe tomorrow i would like to make it better with putting some....thanks for reading...=)