Saturday, July 4, 2009

lemon =) yummy

Lemon Pictures, Images and Photos
last nite there was a lemon project s.o.s by myself..

haha...i just make a jug of lemonade...and haw bout the skin and the inner part?

creative come first...

i put some skin into my pocket as something tht i can smell when im very board on doing something..=D..

i gave some to my mom. she want them as her car fragrance..

then oddly...i follow my grandma habit..i ate them with a plate of rice and salted eggs(yummy)..!

i enjoy my new habit about lemon..but unfortnately i threw a quarter jag of the lemonade this morning cause it so bitter..(my mistake put the whole skin over a nite =p)..

thts all..don't think just coconut tht can be made into various think..but other fruits also can , what..!=](rojak languange)

i read about a news articel last year about turning jack fruit into flour..kind a intersting

i know some of readers think i'm silly sharing this funny facts!but i don care
my blog ahh..hehe=]


@mnIX said...

don't care -correction =]