Wednesday, January 21, 2009


A veterinarian provide medical services for animals and give advice to pet owners about the care and breeding of their pets.What many people do not know is that veterinarians also protect humans from diseases that animals carry.Most veterinarians treat sick pets and provide routine check-ups and shots for pets in private offices.Veterinarians must be tuned in to animals discomfort.They must be able to calm and reassure frightened animals.Since animals cannot comunicate their symptoms to the doctor,veterinarians must depend on their own and the owners observations to make their diagnoses.Vets in private practice have to handle the business end of the practice-scheduling appoinments,sending speciments to the lab,taking payments from pet owners or hire someone to do it.They generally enjoy the forty-hour work week,but these does include some evening and weekend hours to accommodate their clients' scheldules.Some veterinarians work with large animals,such as cattle,racehorses,or zoo animals.These doctors often spend a substantial amount of time on the road communiting to ranches or farm.They also work outdoors in all weather conditions.More frequently,though,they work in laboratory conditions as austere as any hospitals.Some vets work in the food industry for the government ,oboth.They inspect meat packing plants and check the livestock for disease.Occasionally, the perform outopsies on dead animals to determine what caused the animal's death and how to prevent the problem with other animals.The information obtained from an ouptopsy often helps them determine which medications,if any other animals should receive.Some vets research what diseases animals are susceptible to and other explore what medicines can treat them.Paying your veterinarians must have a DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICENE DEGREE and be licensed by the state.It takes six to eight years to complete a D.V.M.the first two years of the program consist of general science studies at the coolege level.Most aspiring vets complete a four-year degree in biological or physicalogical sciences.A minor in business is useful for vets who plan to go into private practice.In their seniour year of college aspiring vets apply four year veterinary programs.Vet schools require a GPA of 3.0 or higher and high scores on the Veterinary Aptitude Test,GRE,or MCAT.Most of the 27 vet schools in the United States are state funded so applications stand the best chance of being admitted to the school in their home state.Competition for a spot in a vet school is intensive and only half of those who apply are admitted .In the veterinary program,students acquire practical experience by working in clinics and assiting in performing surgery.During the last two years of vet school ,students do clinical rounds.Then,they complete a three-year sidency.Only then are they eligible to sit for the licensing exam.About 85% of those who take the exam pass it at any sitting.At this point some doctors continue their studies in a specialized area of veterinary medicine,such as ophthalmology or surgery.