Monday, January 19, 2009

"new template!"

After doing my homework,Farah and Syafiza taught me how to verify this i,m listening to my favourite song "kehampaan hati".....which means a lot for me....try to listen it you must be crying........why the song mean a lot for me...?i guest you will know after listening is very .....hmmmm...i dont know....i ....just...cant't tell so you must listen it,,,,im not promoting the song!just sharing with you something i like...dear my friends...ecspecially pmr candits...where are you going after taking the result...?to boarding school....?or still Section in 7?
Sometimes i feel very sad if thinking where are we going...?our destiny......maybe this is the best deed to repay our parents sacrifice for growing is very interupting me!its make me sad!we are going to be seperated.....!ya Allah...can i go through it?so maybe..for some of us this is the last year....(my eyes......its teary).................syuhada....she said that she are going to boarding school....azira and nadhira also said the same is just very fast.....we were in form one still being childish and naughty....then in form two still playing around...and some of us started to influence their own friends with their behaviour......finally.........we ARE IN FORM 3!WE ARE GOING TO SIT ON PMR!WAKE UP GUYZ..YOU ARE NOT DREAMING!THIS IS A FACT!im realizing people.....but this girl who are waking you up is still sleeping please help her wake her up!in this very important task as students,friends,and as a child of our proud parents...we need to help our friends if they feel weak in any kind of a students we need to study harder....and giving our concentraition to get the fruits of our labour instead of crying...after holding and reading the thinking of our destiny...maybe next time i would write about the course we are going to take.....for the person that just feeling exited going to university or college just because of finding and looking for mates......think what you've said.thare are lots of assingment to send and clases to i hope please think twice if your words is not just for kidding!