Friday, January 16, 2009

How i started to write this blog?hmmmm i want to be sincere at this....i'm writing now because of some sorts of reason and about 40% about winning the best among the best blog....(i know what are you thinking!stop it!my face are blushing!)if i dont get it....i am already being prepared.... acttually ............ i wanted to write long-long time ago after looking at my own brother blog.The best part is when he doesn't know that i've read his own funny blog that promotes skin problem product while cracking some jokes inside it!i would laugh more when read it!haha!are you feeling sleepy reading my BLOG?!NEVER MIND ITS NORMAL JUST FEED YOUR LUNG WITH MORE OXYGEN.This year i'll sit on a very-very-much important exam.My writing in English is still weak...;(.we(3 azam!)is just lucky when our ambitious English teacher MISS AZITA introduce us with blog writing exactly at the time before we give up in improving our writing.Theres a no-no rules to write in Malay languange.But ermmmm my dearly friends i dont think im writing in the proper english to much...isn't?but just ignore it first as this is my first writing.............can you?i just stepping into this kind of horizon.just give me sometimes to breath and explore my writing the way tomorrow we have to decorate our DULL LOOKING CLASS into lovely-tidy class(boys don't sleep in the afraid our class will full of boys sleeping)...just joking dont get please.....=]i keep laughing all through this day.i dont know why,,,,haha.Anniessa does my writing okay!i can't look at your funny looking face right sure you've been very sad as your mum stop you from surfing the very indecisive.......i even cannot imagine if this behaviour sticking at me until i grow will be HORRIBLE INDEED! the way my friends...thanx for reading my bubling time....i hope you are enjoying yourself through the day....thats all for today as my back feel extremly pain!TOODLES!